After Care


1- Remove the protective film after 24 hours after the tattoo session.

2- Wash your tattoo with a soft, non-scented, antibacterial soap.

3- Gently pat your tattoo dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.

4- Apply a small amount of ointment on your tattoo (Do not use Vaseline)

5- Repeat this steps 3-5 times daily, as needed for the first 2 weeks.


  • Avoid touch your tattoo and wash your hands before to do it.
  • On the first night, you may want to wrap your tattoo in saran wrap to prevent sticking to your bedding. Do not use any cloth bandages or pads.
  • Wear clean, soft clothing, avoid wearing tight clothing that might rub up against your tattoo.
  • Avoid going into large bodies of water (pool, ocean, hot tubs, etc.), the gym or activities that lead to excessive amounts of sweating, and exposure to the sun.
  • DO NOT pick, peal or scratch any scabbing or hard layers.
  • REMEMBER that if you do not take care of your tattoo, it may become infected or damaged.
  • If you think your tattoo is infected, seek medical attention immediately.

Bring your best idea and we will transform it in real piece of Art.